Friday, May 06, 2005

General Arora

I have always felt as an Indian that Bangladesh( current generation) has no virtue of gratitude in their ethos.

Be it for their own freedom fighters or for those who helped them get it. As for their own freedom fighters or Father of the Nation, I think they all got caught in this political mire and thus got tarnished in the heat of rivalry. This I see every year when the victory day is celeberated the government channel shows only Zia as the lone leader who fought and brought freedom to millions in this country ( he happens to be late leader of the ruling party). I guess the case will be just the other way when the other party comes into power.

I guess forgetting has become part of political activism in subcontinent.

While I am writing this I am suddenly perturbed by the thought that 2 of our 3 nations had their Father of the nations slain by his own countrymen. Fortunately for Pakistan, it didn't have to go thru this ignominy.

So news that Lt General J. S. Arora passed away a few days back was one more occasion when I was waiting to be proven wrong. Sadly I wasn't very wrong, the only comments that came were from the Army Chief of Bangladesh. Not one comment from ruling party or the opposition!! I spoke to 2 people who had seen the action of 1971 in their childhood and they also took the news quite casually....

Maybe we are the only ones disturbed by the news and lack of reaction to it...

Thank god this appeared in news next morning :


'Aurora was a sincere friend in need of Bangladesh'

Lt Gen Jagjit Singh Aurora, commander of Bangladesh-India Allied Forces at the final stage of the Liberation War in 1971, was a 'sincere friend in need of Bangladesh', speakers said at a condolence meeting yesterday.

They expressed resentment that Bangladesh has failed to pay state honour, betraying a lack of sense of gratitude, to the late general who oversaw the surrender of Pakistani occupation forces in Dhaka in 1971.

more :

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Weird thoughts

weird Thought 1 :
If there were Fat sucking mosquitoes!!
How they would be so much in demand!!
but then how would they fly? With such heavy payloads!

weird thought 2 :

when nano technology brings about change in the way we work with computers,
when computers would be so tiny and will be connected with us that they will be thought operated almost...!!
would anyone ever talk thereafter?
fidelity in relationship would have to redefine itself ?