Last night Dhaka was laced with the series of some serious thunder and shower experience. Just when AB was steering KBC2 through into the lakhs zone with one of the very few south indian contestant ( hopefuls is better word I guess) our cable TV feed was struck down by wrath of the gods.
With nothing better to do I put on the Motorcycle Diaries ( which was somehow not getting its turn in my hectic tele schedule ). It is a lovely thought provoking film. The 10000 + kilometers journey of 2 young men (Ernesto Che Guevara & Alberto Granado )through the south american countries in 1952. The journey, their experiences and their gradual transformation really leave deep impressions. One could see as to how a shy medical student would have turned into revolutionary and later in life ( even more in death) become a legend.
As they pass thru land of Incas and see the magnificence of the ruins of ancient civilization and see the plight of their generation of that race. The ruins and the current generations reflect the same fate, neglected and exploited by the conquerors from outside.
Though there is no apparent connection but first thought that came to my mind was, wish my uneducated mother could see this film. I sat and wondered what if my mother had the opportunity to read the same books and movies that I get to read and see? What would she be like?... What would I have been like ?
Now that mothers and fathers of next generation are able to do this .... what would be tomorrow's world like...? Wish I was my own son or daughter :)